We had the good fortune of connecting with Meg GotThis and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Meg, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?

Most people who truly get to know me, learn pretty quickly that I am extremely detail oriented, and I get very deep into just about everything. So it was expected that I’d end up with a couple of different “brands” offering many types of products and services. They also know there’s no quick and simple answer to this question for me.

My mom asked me just a few years ago (at the beginning of me finally stepping into more of what exercises my purpose and really exploring new opportunities like vending) – why I always have to make everything so complicated, and that was the moment I fully realized – we live in a world where everyone is taught to want things to be simplified because we’re conditioned to believe that “simple” means “easy” – and “easy” inherently means happiness and less stress. In reality, we live in a world and exist in these bodies that are the definition of complex and intricate – my brain just honestly isn’t capable of simplifying things. I know that getting through the fine sand grains of emotions, triggers, thoughts and feelings – is what helps us heal, grow, re-define and understand. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This quote from Wayne Dyer, along with the golden rule “treat others the way you want to be treated”, have really defined how I navigate life and my soul purpose. It just took me a little while to figure it out!

I believe in the idea that we should all constantly “re-define” everything and explore all of our interests calling to us. It helps us discover endless new lenses through which we can look at anything from problem solving to better understanding different worldly perspectives. It also helps us give ourselves and others the grace we deeply crave because it is deeply healing in all ways. Which is a whole other topic for another day – but this is a big reason I think “lenses” through perspectives and different photo & video mediums have always been such a draw for me, and as to why Edified Earth Co. will constantly evolve.

With Meg Got This Media – my dad is a videographer who created a Rockabilly music documentary. He and my mom knew a ton of people in both film and the music, so I was exposed to a lot throughout my childhood that just always made me want to contribute something in these worlds. I did a lot of film photography in highschool and dabbled with video but never really took it seriously until the last few years. I think out of fear of failure as much as success – but also just the pressure social media can put on you even just anticipating what all you’ll probably need to do to get a following and be relevant in these mediums if you want to make a living from it.

I’ve come to realize that “fear” was rooted in never wanting to put myself in a position to be as vulnerable as you have to be as an artist – to be criticized, judged – and thinking way too far ahead in to putting in so much time on your craft – the processes, the editing etc. only to spend more hours putting together posts and keeping up with posting products, stories, reels, answering messages etc. and the fear it could ruin what you’re passionate about if you force too much – is a lot of pre-anticipated stress when you want to do something seriously.
So I had to come to terms with all of that and figure out how I would personally tackle these obstacles because there is no denying my purpose as a creator and reflector – which ultimately meant re-framing how I saw those “stresses” or fears of vulnerability. I’m still working through a lot of this because I mean… I’m only human. But the first step for me was to just allow myself to shoot and share anything. Even if I didn’t like it or think it was good. Even if it was something of me just being goofy – I had to fully realize the fears so I could start desensitizing myself to all the things that were holding me back most of my life. Turn it into fuel!

I’ve spent over 10 years in the Cincinnati Hip Hop scene and have met a ton of incredible artists and humans along the way. Many of whom have encouraged me to pursue my passions for photography, videography and drone work. So these artists just existing and performing has allowed me many spaces to work on honing my skills and figuring out what my “style” is developing into. A lot of venues around town use lighting that isn’t conducive to photos or videos, especially when it comes to skin (purples, blues, reds) so I’ve also developed a bit of a high-contrast, high-saturation style in order to play around with emphasizing it instead of trying to spend an eternity editing away colors you just can’t fully edit out in most cases – at least not without taking things to black and white. It’s also a whole different ballgame with video, so I’m very excited to look back at the end of 2024 and see all the different art I’ve made & visions I had!

Edified Earth Co. really began when I made a few wire wrapped crystals to give to friends and family and people started asking me if they could buy my items online. I have also always been interested in herbalism – I’ve gifted some very intention-based things like smokeable blends (I call them “Ouide Alternatives”), healing sachets for friends dealing with emotional pains, healing bath salts, salves, and other items that I realized I could also offer to anyone interested in trying them and learning more on the benefits (physically & spiritually) of natural “medicines” along with me.

My greatest purpose here on earth is to help others grow, heal, expand awareness, and to make others truly feel seen and heard in a way that they truly feel someone cares to understand them. I will continue to explore all kinds of different mediums in order to exercise my purpose, grow, heal and expand myself. Edified Earth Co. is a growing venture that does help me continue funding my media business that is just beginning to monetize. I am hoping eventually to share it or pass it onto someone in the community who can grow it even more and use it as a platform to get more involved in the communities through opportunities like gardening and group education forums.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?

Whether it’s through my artistic mediums or my words, I want everyone to know that they can change the world. I want everyone to realize how many “lenses” we have in all situations, beliefs, ups and downs on the wheel of life. I know what it’s like to be toxically hyper-independent. To do absolutely everything on my own. To be trapped in associating my identity with my trauma, attached to the comfort of my sadness, and to not know for years why I’m so different in my neurodivergence and experience such extreme levels of empathy and heartache. I know what it’s like to have no faith, to be lost without purpose and to feel stuck. But I also know how it feels to find my choices and pull myself out of those spaces. To transition from thinking of things as “good vs bad” to easy vs. hard lessons presented to me in order to help me get where it is I’m telling the universe I want and feel called to go… to find new lenses for everything I choose to re-define, to ask for and accept help, to find faith in something bigger than myself, root myself in gratitude, and to find a general idea of my purpose on earth…and know just how many people never truly end up giving themselves these gifts in their lifetimes.

Whether my business ventures exponentially grow or not, and no matter what lessons I cycle through, I am proud of doing anything and everything I was once afraid to do. I want everyone to be excited to take leaps. I want everyone to feel there is someone who cares to truly deeply understand them, to give them grace and love. I want to help anyone I can find those things for themselves and things like curiosity and joy again, faith, trust, inspiration or even just a moment of peace or gratitude.
The easiest way I can show support to my artist friends is showing up, doing what I love, taking photos and posting them to share and help promote them and future events. But in my hyper-aware existence — I also realize that for some people, that is SO MUCH, even if it was just that easy for me – and I think it’s because deep-down….. someone sharing my art, my jewelry, or even just thinking of me like Meranis did in shouting me out for this interview.. he was so “well of course I’d throw your name out!” all nonchalant bestie baddie about lol… means SO much to ME that it overflows my heart in so many ways.

Through vending, I’ve not only had the opportunities to share and receive wisdom and education on things related to my hand-crafted products – but sometimes just being at a table selling things I’m passionate about or standing in a corner waiting for the right “shot” with my camera, opens up deep conversations with people about why they felt called to a particular stone or sparks someone’s own interests in photography. They open up and find safety in me for that moment, and that is just such an honor I am always so grateful for… that’s also where the “Edified” part of Edified Earth Co. stems from — Even if I can just pass along a smile for the night and make little or no sales or get any good shots, I did what I was there to do!


Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.

I would definitely have to start with a hike around Ault Park – it’s not hiking-hiking but it is beautiful with many trails, the gardens are spectacular, good hammocking spots and lots of friendly people and doggo’s on the paths! There are also a million photo opportunities at this spot *and* it’s right around the corner from one of my favorite places to fly my drones – The Observatory.

Highly recommend a walk around just about any part of downtown, especially down along the riverfront! Shopping in OTR at places like Indigo Hippo, RAD OTR, BlaCk OWned Outerwear, and definitely a stop off at BlaCk Coffee.

I would obviously plan my evenings around local shows – Mecca is the spot on Thursday nights to catch Devin Burgess AKA KEI$HA in the booth, and any time there are events near or at MOTR Pub, I absolutely HAVE to at least stop in for their bomb TLT (Tofu Lettuce & Tomato). Obsessed is an understatement!

Being plant-based makes it a little difficult to find many places that have much beyond a salad or an impossible burger, but a well curated turtle from Gomez is another super quick grab and go.
I also go to all the shows I can at Urban Artifact (Radio Artifact) and (DSGN)CLLCTV – and if they don’t have a vendor outside with vegan options, I will venture up the road to Kitchen Factory, Tickle Pickle, or a few blocks down to Northside Yacht Club to enjoy a peanut-butter tequila shot and some vegan-friendly fried pickles in honor of one of my late friends. YES – I said Peanut butter tequila. It’s life changing!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?

Depending on how you look at things – It can be a hard reality check for any artist when you start making moves towards building a business for yourself and people you love and support aren’t really supporting you back in the ways you need – even in the most simple ways. I’ve watched a lot of people get really down and out about just that and then give up.
Building a business, especially one that relies on your circles and community to help you get off the ground – can really have a significant impact on your relationships. For me, it wasn’t about focusing on who might’ve doubted me or didn’t wish me success, like my posts, follow my business pages etc. – it’s been about focusing on those who truly supported me and all the space created for new collaborative relationships to grow. Cheering others on, finding other people to trade knowledge with etc. is one of the greatest things. Especially living in an age where the internet is like a second-skin for some people and can really spread “hurt-people hurt people” toxic heavy energy around in anyones comment section or DM’s – so focusing on all the things and people we’re grateful for, and spreading that grace and genuine goodwill is what we all we all deserve and sometimes… it’s just what the negative ned’s and nancy’s need to help them heal and feel seen. You never know what tidbit of information or quickly commented YASS QUEEN! can do for someone else in the world.

Meranis Moss and Nick Federinko are two of the people I’ve met through this music scene that are just truly amazing humans anyone would be extremely fortunate to know. They are both so full of knowledge and YAS QUEEN levels of support that can be so rare to find for a lot of people. These two have not only believed in me and encouraged me in ways beyond things related to business and music, but any opportunity they come across or can conjure up themselves – they want to spread the love and opportunity to anyone who could possibly get involved. Nick has even given me paid opportunities to shoot with his camera before I was able to purchase my own! Absolute Gems. I would not have the honor of receiving such gifts in human-friend form if my life had gone any other direction so friends like this also keep me grateful for every light and dark piece of myself.

TRIIIBE does this for so many of us as well – without Siri Imani and Kayla Marie, and the opportunities to vend at the spaces they hold their shows, I wouldn’t have even considered giving vending anything in the first place, and am eager to get back into it this year as the weather warms up! Also just all of the amazing things that these women and TRIIIBE do for the community with all the events – from open mic nights and Wellness Wednesday’s, to Potluck for the People every last Sunday of each month in Piatt Park – every single one of these events fosters so much love, grace, support, connection and endless opportunities from the incredible people you get to meet from all around the city. The energy is unmatched and it can bring artistry and confidence out in people who didn’t even know they could ever let go of those fears!

Without getting too deep into how complicated my life is – I am a child of adoption and divorce along with an older brother – I met my birth parents almost 10 years ago now, they stayed together and I have 2 little brothers! It’s been a whirlwind life with 6 total parents, 3 brothers and 3 families (to say the absolute least) – but I can’t even begin to imagine who or where I would be without the support of every single one of them.
Lastly, without my chosen family, I definitely would not be the person I am today. I may not have had any drive to explore what it means to fulfill my purpose, find the enjoyment in being challenged, or know such incredible levels of support and love could really be shared without my chosen family. I also might not have ever learned what it means to truly love myself and be truly thankful for every single step on my journey. I know I’m going to miss a ton of people (so sorry!) but the honorable mentions I can’t leave out are Maxine, Sarah, Stephanie, Lindsay, Auntie Kei$ha, Uncle Swooty, Jaybee and Ninti, Jay Hill, Stallatix & CJ, Graval and I cannot forget Courtney, Kelsey, and Kerri.

Lastly, Alan Watts, Carl Jung, and Oprah are the top 3 most influential people when it comes to books that changed my soul. Highly recommend any of their books if you’re in need of a spark of inspiration or on a deep soul search!

Website: https://meggotthismedia.zenfoliosite.com/

Instagram: @meggotthismedia

Image Credits
Single photo (pic of me) – Photo credit to Nick Federinko

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutOhio is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.