Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation? Please share with us below.

Jordan Ashley | Logo & Website Designer

My favorite quote that has followed me through both life and business is one by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” I think the applies to not only day to day life, but also to small business. There is a reason that each small business is successful and that is because YOU make your business unique. The greatest accomplishment is customers and clients knowing YOU for a business that YOU have built. Read more>>

Lindsey Holm | Owner, Moonbeam Mercantile

“View your life with kindsight. Stop beating yourself up about things from your past.Instead of slapping your forehead and asking: “What was I thinking?” Breathe and ask yourself “What was I learning?” – Karen Salmansohn I find this quote by Karen Salmansohn to be particularly meaningful because it embodies the spirit of personal growth and self-compassion, which are essential principles in both my life and my business. As a woman navigating the complex and ever-changing world of owning a small business, I’ve come to understand that mistakes and missteps are a natural part of the journey. Read more>>

Ty Evans | Owner & Positive Vibes Enthusiast

One of my favorite quotes is “Be Positive on Purpose!” It’s a simple quote, but powerful and inspires me daily. This quote reminds me that I have the power each day to choose how I want to represent myself and also to be intentional about contributing to a positive outcome. Moreover, it encourages me to express gratitude for the numerous blessings and people that enrich my life. While challenging days may arise, I remain committed to focusing on the positive aspects, as they bring me more joy. Read more>>

Rachel Ramsey | Model, Realtor, Bartender, & Babysitter

“Might as well”. I love this quote because it cancels out all other questions or contemplative thoughts you may have in that moment about something you could be uncertain about. I feel like it gives you that little push you need to get to your yes answer or no answer. Read more>>

Deodrick Ash | Baker & Treatmaker

My favorite affirmation is “Everything I need to succeed is already within me” This affirmation means I’m enough and anything I put my mind to I can achieve it. This affirmation has motivated me through moments I felt like I had no purpose and couldn’t find inspiration in my life. Read more>>

Jonas Garvin | Comedian, Actor, and Writer

Sure do! “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise…they’ll kill you.” -Oscar Wilde I love this quote because it pretty much nails what I try to do with my stand up comedy to a T! Read more>>

Alex Vlasov | Artist

One of my favorite quotes comes from Philip Guston, who once said, “Thank God for yellow ochre, cadmium red medium, and permanent green light.” There is so much love for painting in this quote. But lately, I fell in love with Susan Sontag and her beautiful essays. There are many different things to unpack, but one of the aspects I am coming back to constantly is how our experience of the world was shaped by the invention of photography. In one of her essays, she states, “Mallarme said that everything in the world exists in order to end in a book. Today, everything exists to end in a photograph.” We don’t value the real experience anymore. Read more>>

Lauren Barker | Charcuterie Artist/Woodworker

A quote that has really stuck with me over the years, especially when it comes to navigating my business, is “anything worth doing is worth doing badly”. I repeat this in my head like a pep talk whenever I’m about to experiment with a new idea or take on a new skill. As a perfectionist, I often set my bar so high that I find myself in a creative paralysis. This quote serves as a reminder for me that imperfection is part of the creative process and that even though it might not turn out the way I want it to on the first try, I should still do it anyway. Giving myself the space to just be bad at things is really how I’ve taken the most important leaps in my life and what has helped me grow as a charcuterie artist, woodworker, and small business owner. Read more>>

Gabby Lovelace | Hair Stylist + Bridal Specialist

My quote comes from my all time favorite movie; A Cinderella Story. The quote is ‘Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.’ My favorite bible verse is Ecclesiastes 11:4. I think in every aspect of life, relationally, business and personal, these quotes resonate deeply-and for all different reasons. I have circled back to these many times when fear or anxiety were dictating my decisions. They are both empowering words to think upon. In my daily life it’s easy to allow worry or what-ifs to creep in. I am encouraged by both writings for the simple fact that they are life-speaking passages and are a simple reminder to do things even if they scare you. Some of the best things that I have done, I have done scared. Read more>>