We asked some of our favorite folks what makes them happy and why?

Madison Eckstein | Model & content creator

Lots of things make me happy! My fiancé Jordan, my mom, my family, my friends, content creation, modeling, going on adventures and traveling, food, and so much more. They all just give me so much love and truly fulfill my whole entire life. I am incredibly happy because of these reasons. Read more>>

Jon Passow | Actor, author, business owner, medical massage therapist, public speaker, and member of Mensa since 2022

That’s an interesting question as there are a lot of things that make me happy but only a few things that make me feel blissfully fulfilled. For me, the things that feed my soul are when I am creating, when I’m learning, and when I’m problem solving. My mind doesn’t stop so I have too keep it occupied and off the streets. I constantly crave knowledge and novelty so I’m always researching and learning new skills. This also plays into problem solving as everything is an equation to me. I see numbers, shapes and patterns everywhere and that’s how I navigate the world. When I latch onto something that hasn’t been done before, or an obstacle stands in front of me, I love figuring out how to make things work. Read more>>

Jenny Campbell | Cartoonist/Writer/Animal Advocate

As a professional cartoonist for the past 35 years, happiness has been an essential part of my work and my life, both. I’m a very happy person, and I think that’s been key to making a success of my career. My favorite thing in the world is making people laugh and making people happy and cultivating a personal and professional reputation as a really fun and compassionate person and artist. The “why” of what makes me happy is very simple. Not only is there a lot of happiness missing in the world as a whole these days, but personally too. Our lives can get so bogged down and so busy, that it’s easy to fall into a routine of just getting through the day. Being an adult isn’t easy: jobs, finances, kids, aging parents, illness… we all struggle with those things. Read more>>