How do you think about work-life balance?

By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.
When it comes to owning your own business, it’s basically a double edge sword. In one hand you get flexibility throughout your day, but on the other hand, you work far more hours than you ever did before, and are constantly thinking of new ways to innovate your business and make things better for both you and the client. In my opinion though, this isn’t a bad thing. Most people who go into business for themselves are so passionate about what they are doing, at the end of the day, the long hours really don’t feel like work and they wouldn’t trade it in for anything else. There is always a never ending list of things to accomplish, but I think finding the right clients that give you grace and flexibility to live your personal life is what counts. Read more>>
The idea of balance is a nice thought. When I used to think about balance it was spending an equal amount of time on all of the things and being able to stop one task, pick up a totally different one right away and giving each thing 100% all the time until it’s time to go to bed. That’s the fastest way to burn out. Balance for me now is prioritizing what’s important in the moment; figuring out what needs done right now and giving that all that I can. That may mean something falls to the back burner for a day or a week but if it isn’t priority, then I don’t stress about it. It will still be there tomorrow, or in a week and then I can give that project 100%. Read more>>
My work life balance has definitely changed. I gave up one type of busy for another type of busy. I have more free time to do what I want but I wear so many hats now as a business owner. I have to do marketing, share content, order supplies, taxes, reporting and bookkeeping. It can be a lot and take endless amounts of time. I think balance is having time for things and people you love and enjoy. Loving your career is priceless but to avoid burnout, it’s always great to have healthy outlets to avoid this. I love to travel, spend time with friends and family, or just stay home and watch one of my favorite shows. One continuous goal I try to keep up with is taking care of myself. I love to exercise, have a nice massage or facial, or just doing nothing sometimes feels amazing. Read more>>
Over time I’ve started to see each part of my life as continuous. Everything is an act of creativity. So I carry myself with that energy regardless of what I’m doing. It allows more flow and overall balance. Read more>>
A mentor of mine once told me that there is no such thing as work/life balance. I tend to agree. Balance implies that you have two objects that are completely independent of one another, weighted equally to the point that we (the balance) can hold both effortlessly. How many times has either life or work swayed you a little more to one side or the other? Even further, how ridiculous would I sound if I told my family or my work, “Sorry there’s a fire, but I have to give balance to my work and life so I can’t put more than X effort into helping you.” The word vocation comes from the latin word, vocari, meaning, calling. When you find your true calling, It’s something you find joy and meaning in. Read more>>
My work life balance is constantly shifting and re-centering itself. When I lived by myself and had no husband or pets or house, it was easy. I was more lonely than I like to admit so spending huge chunks of time hyper-focused on creating was no issue. Now things are things are much different because I have more responsibilities to other people/creatures. I’ve had to develop a pretty detailed routine with scheduled reminders programmed in my phone and utilizing a goal-oriented day planner (shout out to the No Limits Planner!) to keep myself on track. Even as I sit her writing this, the clock changed to 10 am and the dogs came running into the office because they know its is time for their walk. But as my business grows and I involve myself in more markets and larger shop updates, there keeps being periods of overworking and consequently rebalancing. Read more>>