Readers often email us asking us for advice about new businesses they are thinking about starting and we often find that many of them don’t have a framework for thinking about a more fundamental question: why should or shouldn’t you start a business?

Below, you’ll find how successful entrepreneurs from across the city thought about this very question when they were considering whether to start their businesses.

Stephen Archer | Content Creator

My friends, are why I started this brand. So many of us are nerdy, in different ways, and we need somewhere to nerd out together. So I created a brand, that brought a community together. Music, movies, toys, etc. In some way, we’re all Nerd Affiliated. Read more>>

Freddy & Krishna | Candle Creators & Traders

We at Roshnee created this brand because we had a vision of owning something that was ours, together. A creative path that allowed us to use our time and energy thinking, creating, and bringing our thoughts to life. It’s all about passion, my partner and I both enjoy candles and the ambiance that a candle can bring into a room or living space. Candles allow our community to reminisce on positive thoughts or create new ones as they burn our candles. Either way, it’s a positive energy exchange and we at Roshnee are all about spreading the light so that others may share the light with those around them, creating a ripple effect. Read more>>

Dianne Bennett | Business Consultant, Leadership Development, and Human Experience Coach

We live in a time where societal norms often feel disconnected from our humanity. I recognized that people were longing for connection, a sense of belonging and purpose. Leading teams for 24 years, I also knew the immense power we have as leaders to shape the way our people feel about their day, the purpose they assign to their work, and the quality of their relationships not only in the office, but when they go home too. A world of full hearts would mean healthier organizations, homes, and as a result, communities. And so, Full Hearts Leadership & Consulting was born. As a consultant, I now work with organizations to implement the support and solutions their leaders need to unlock the power of their people, deliver results they might not have imagined possible, and create a culture where both talent and customers can feel they belong. Read more>>

Dee Jay Doc | Hip-hop artist, non-profit founder/director and record label owner

As a starving artist in 2006, trying to scrape out a living as a community-minded hip-hop artist, I didn’t know where to begin. I just knew that the principles of loving your neighbor could be lived out through the hip-hop cypher. I lived on East 115th Street in Glenville, a historic Cleveland neighborhood, with my wife for 13 years. During that time I built friendships with the grandmothers who were cornerstones in the neighborhood and fought for it’s safety and success. I also built friendships with the youth on my street. There was a lack of jobs in the summer time for youth, no healthy food access and the social determinants of health were wrecking havoc on families. I knew that by creating a youth mentoring group that helped teens have fun creating hip-hop music, we could bring people together for possitive change. We brought youth voice to the community conversations around safety and health through the song lyrics they wrote. Does this sound like a good business plan? Ha ha. . . it wasn’t. This was pure passion. It was casting faith as small as a mustard seed. But guess what. . . It worked! Read more>>

Tim Schacht | Farmer

Ever since I was 3 years old I’ve wanted to be a farmer. When I was little I enjoyed watching our neighbor and other farmers using their cool farm equipment to grow crops and dreamed of one day doing it myself. My desire to start Ohio Till Farmstead stemmed from a deep-rooted commitment to promoting environmental stewardship and supporting local communities. By establishing a farm that prioritizes organic agriculture techniques, we not only contribute to the health of our land and ecosystems but also provide consumers with nutritious, responsibly grown food. Read more>>

Youssef Tawfik | Entrepreneur & Software Engineer

My journey started working in a fortune 500 company and then leaving it for another better position in another company but for some reasons thing did not work out and I basically lost both jobs. At the same time I was doing a freelance job in the transition phase. Honestly looking back into my job in the fortune 500 company, I was too comfortable to a degree that I was not looking to progress just doing my job and that is it. Work ends at 5 and the weekends. The company was making sure we are comfortable at all aspects and I felt myself getting lazy and I did not like that and I did not like the fact that there is a ceiling above my head (The cooperate ladder) and what I can achieve in an organization. Honestly I did not feel that is fair so having my own business, taking that risk and starting was a big step for me that basically freed me and gave me the opportunity to reach the stars. What I did for those companies I can literally do for myself really resonated with me instead of making millions for another person let me make my own millions Read more>>

Kristina Hagemann (GM) Jessica Earick (Chef) | Owner/General Manager – Owner/Executive Chef

That’s a great question and a fairly simple answer. We were tired of not feeling valued or appreciated in our, then, current roles. The restaurant industry is brutal enough as it is, but furthermore it lacks compassion and understanding for its employees. We wanted to be different. We wanted to be better. So with that being said, our first thought was to create our Vision and Philosophy around those exact sentiments. When we finished we had come up with a recipe for success. Read more>>

Heidi Negron | CPT, Nutritional Coach, foundHER of THE WELL

I created THE WELL to provide a safe space for women of all walks of life to practice wellness. I wanted to offer wellness beyond the physical. It was important to include various aspects of wellness that rounded out holistic wellness… from mental health, to nutrition to community connection. Read more>>

JL Lewis III | Teacher & Author

When I first decided to start my own business, I did so with the intent of using my artistic practice to give flowers to those artists I knew and appreciated. As I began to interview and write about said artists, the vision for my business grew into a desire to create space for their works to be seen. I am still planning out exactly how I would like to accomplish this goal. Patience and perseverance are my greatest assets during this phase of my business. Read more>>