We had the good fortune of connecting with April Vertucci and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi April, have you ever found yourself in a spot where you had to decide whether to give up or keep going? How did you make the choice?
I once made the choice to give up. Through the grace of God, I am still here and I am here to tell you… NEVER GIVE UP! Life can be hard at times. Life can be more than we think we can handle and seem unworth living however, you must understand how much you impact your own life. If there are changes you know you need to make, make them. Make your life worth living. Find a passion. Photography and sharing my struggles have saved my life. Both passions have provided me purpose when I thought I had none and to see the beauty in the world around me.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Nothing in life worth doing is easy. Life isn’t easy but you get up everyday and move toward creating the life you want. My life has been a constant struggle. I have used the Serenity Prayer to prioritize my thoughts and actions. I understand what I have control over and I try to make the best most positive choices. Then, I truly let go of what I can’t control. I choose to find beauty in all or to be or create it. I choose to be the light in the darkest of places.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
If they were my best friend then they would probably be an urban explorer too. I would take them to some dangerous and off-limits places to most. I would show my friend the abandoned churches, schools, factories, amusement parks, power plants and hospitals in and around my area.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My story is one of struggle but the people that have provided me with the tools to become the person I am today is Gio from Second Chance Intervention Counsiling, Father Martin and my ex-husband. Gio told me, “The definition of insanity if doing the same thing and expecting a different result” it is an old quote but at that moment I was ready for change and it was the catalyst for it. Father Martin conducted a chalk talk on Alcoholism that was lucky enough to be recorded and I was blessed to view 11 years after his passing that changed my attitude of drinking forever. My photography is in complete thanks to my ex-husband. Nick had taken up photography and in an effort to spend time with him I ended up falling in love with the abandoned and photography in general.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harley.q.urbex?igsh=Y25scjR2aDNsNjhs

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avertucci13?mibextid=9R9pXO

Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@harleyqurbex?_t=8jiIK55lDVz&_r=1

Image Credits
Nick Vertucci, First photo of me.

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