We had the good fortune of connecting with Leah Lynch and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Leah, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
Starting your own business is hard work and it will take 10 times longer than you ever thought it would to see the level of success you want. You have to be an extremely hard worker and be willing to put in what could be years of work before seeing much or any return on your investment of time or money.

We are in a world of illusions where people are led to believe it’s easy to start their own business and will happen in good timing.

There are people who say they have a six or seven-figure business but never seem to let it slip if that’s each year or over the lifetime of their business. (I have seen people who claim this status on both sides of the equation)

All that to say you need to be patient, love the work you do, and don’t choose something for the sale of how much it will make you. Be able to do it without being paid. Because that’s what it will be for at least a year if you are starting from scratch if you are new to business or the online space in general.

It’s hard work. But if you are cut out for it you will never feel more fulfilled with your work than if you are doing it for yourself. True business owners are not wired to work for other people.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Like anybody who starts a business it’s never a straight line. The start of my own business started all the way back at the age of 10 years old when I started raising a small breed of rabbits. This would have been early 2002 when the internet was still in its infancy and my parent’s internet was very slow… and let’s not forget I was only ten. I was able to get a pitful free website up with the help of my dad. But as bad it was I am still proud of myself for trying.

Then my next transition happend in 2009 when I was 17 just finishing high school… at this point in time I had gotten my first few French lop rabbits and was starting to test the waters of the online world a little more.

I had created a Facebook page and a free website hoping to get the rabbitry to pay for itself. I had not taken any online courses about how to do anything involving business but I was trying to make a go of it.

After about a year I was starting to sell each all of the rabbits in each litter pretty quickly. Then the next year the emails got to be more frequent and then it got to the point of people asking about having rabbits during the off seasons when I wasn’t having litters. Then I got this great idea of taking their info and offering to reach out when I did have litters born and rabbits available. Ultimately creating my first waiting list.

It started to become the joke in my family that my rabbits were my college fund and a few years later that’s exactly what it became. The rabbits paid for my schooling and I graduated with my two-year degree debt-free.

Today the rabbits make me multiple four figures a year and people are paying their deposits ahead of time to be on my waiting list. It is such a blessing and a beautiful thing to have people trust me enough to do so.

Now I use what I learned and the strategies I use to help other people create a country lifestyle that doesn’t leave them broke and burnt out.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
First off I am more of a “get a stack of good movies and fun snacks at home” kind of girl BUT. If I was forced by a friend to go out here are the places I’d go.

(Keep in mind I live in the country so we don’t really have a “city” with lots to do less than an hour away. And a city is not my idea of fun anyway)

– Go to the local Amish country.
– Youngs Jerersy Dairy Farm
– Go to the county fair or corn festival if it is in season.
– Go shopping at Hobby Lobby and get Chipotle after.
– Go to the local orchard a pick apples
– Take a coffee or iced tea out on the front porch and chat for hours.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’ve been at it a long time and LOVE learning so there are a lot of people who have helped me take that next step along the way. But there are two people/coaches who pushed me to become the next level version of myself and to stop listening to what others thought I should do and start leaning into what makes me excited to do every day.

Sasha Gray (Website: https://www.scatteredsasha.com/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/scatteredsasha )
She helped push me to find the answers within myself and to stop relying on others for the “right answers” for my business. When you are a natural-born learner it’s easy to slip into student mode when you need to be the leader.

Karleigh with That Content Nerd https://thatcontentnerd.com/– She was willing to give me the biggest kick in the paints I had ever had from a business coach. I was listening to other coaches who told me what they thought I should do within my business when it came to platforms and niches which kept me stuck for a very long time. She pushed me to do what excited me and leave the “should do’s” on the table.

Website: https://leah-lynch.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leahlynchblog

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leahlynchblog

Youtube: http://youtube.com/leahlynchblog

Image Credits
Leah Lynch

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutOhio is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.