We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Michelle Henderson | Pastor of Agape Love Ministries & Founder of Know Your Worth Organization

This is a quote that I made up at one of the most difficult times of my life. Telling myself if I could stay consistent during my storm, and continue being confident, whatever I was facing I would conquer it. The 3 C’s causes me to remember whatever I put my mind to it will be accomplished. Read more>>

Devon Douglas | Co-chair of Spring Fest in the Burg, artist, & psychologist

I define success as the ability to spend my time doing the things I love. Those include making art, spending times with my friends and family, and making a difference in the world. While I am always working towards growth, I feel successful spending my time planning a community festival, painting, traveling, and hanging out with the people I love. Read more>>

Shay Davis | Freelance Journalist

The most essential thing I’ve done as a parent is to be the most influential and impactful role model my children can look up to. My decisions in life haven’t stopped me from making plans for the future. I’m proud that they have an inspiration in their lives who is making a positive and helpful contribution to society. My children take great satisfaction in the fact that I’m a journalist and that I made history as a woman of color. Read more>>

Patrick Phillips | Producer / Director Business Development

I don’t think I can narrow down to one specific thing that I’ve done as a parent that has had the biggest impact on my son. What I do hope is that I am setting a good example in the simple things when I know he is watching. Teaching him that the little things go a long way is important to us, so opening a door for a stranger, showing respect to people, giving compliments, stopping to help someone, sharing a word of encouragement, and paying it forward when we can. All these things are what I think can help shape the man he sees in me and the man he will one day become. Read more>>

La’Shardae Scott | President and CEO of the Scott Center for Observation Treatment and Transition

The Scott Center for Observation Treatment and Transition (S.C.O.T.T.) plays a crucial role in supporting the community and making a positive impact on the world in several ways: Read more>>

DonYae James | Founder of International Construction Solutions ltd

One of my most important factors behind my success is continuing education and my drive determination and persistence to be one of the largest women owned construction firms in the world. That might be 4 factors but it all goes hand and hand in my eyes. Read more>>

Amanda Hunt | Artist/Painter

Painting makes me happy, not only for myself, but for others. If my work can brighten someone’s day or change their mood, it inspires me to continue. If I am unhappy with the end result in a painting I’ve completed, 9 times out of 10, someone else likes it, and it changes my entire outlook of the finished piece. As an artist, we find flaws in our own work that others find the beauty in. Read more>>

Kyle Houser | General Manager at Voodoo Brewing Co. – Erie

The one thing that most people outside of the hospitality industry are probably unaware of is the amount of work that happens behind the scenes. I have worked in various different locations in the industry, but the one constant is that the work leading up to an event or even just a regular day of service is more than the average person realizes. Many of the events that I have planned require months of planning and hard work by a large number of people. Even the small stuff though, has a team behind its success. Day to day service at any given pub, restaurant, or hotel, has a group of unseen heroes making sure that your visit at the location is the best it can be. Here at Voodoo Brewery, we have a whole facility making the brews that everyone enjoys, but also a team that supports our pubs with menu planning, art, marketing, and so much more. Read more>>

Louise Bane | Artist & Baker

Being creative has always been apart of my life. In my earliest memory I remember colors. I have a vivid memory of the color the sweater the woman bathing me was wearing. It was yellow and I thought it was a ugly shade of yellow. When I looked back at the picture I was only months old, very young still a baby even. My parents always found ways to encourage and support our artistic journeys. Really anything we wanted to do they believed we could do it. Growing up i found myself turning to art all the time. When was upset it calmed me down, sad it made me happy, confused it made me see things clearly. Art interwoven in my DNA, it’s apart of me. So an artistic career only makes since. Read more>>