We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Tiffany Collins | Gluten-Free Bakery Owner

Sister’s Sweets for the Soul – Gluten-Free Bakery was originally co-founded by myself (Tiffany Collins) , and my sister, Sam Crews. We founded this business as baking has always been dear to both of our hearts. We wanted to create delicious gluten free baked goods, that rivaled their traditional gluten filled baked good counterparts in both taste and quality! The success of Sister’s Sweets for the Soul can be attributed to a series of pivotal decisions. Read more>>

Janice Mitchell | Author & Investigator

Taking risks has been the cornerstone of my entire life. I had to take risks and chances in order to survive and overcome from early childhood. Learning survival skills in order to secure the basic necessities…food and safety … brought out my ability to find a way to accomplish anything I needed to. My childhood rules for survival: keep quiet while in a dangerous situation, don’t give up any information but answer with one word when necessary; be prepared to fun fast and hide if all else fails. My survival skills have served me well. I admire the Marine’s unofficial slogan which was adopted during WW II when supplies were scarce: “Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome”. Read more>>

Corey Williams | Drag Artist and musician

How much mental, emotional, and physically energy goes into my brand. There are no 9-5 M-F business hours. So, my brain is constantly working. Read more>>

India Ford, Ph.D. | Educator, School Developer and Instructional Coach

I was born in Cleveland and raised in Euclid, Ohio. My background and upbringing played a significant role in my development. At Euclid High School, I was involved in the track and field program which afforded me the opportunity to obtain a full athletic scholarship from Indiana University. Without this experience, I may not have been able to afford to attend college to pursue my dream to become an educator. Read more>>

Larry Thomas | | Motivational Speaker & Content Creator

I am from Youngstown, Ohio born and raised. I lived in Youngstown, Ohio from birth up until I was about 13-14 years old. My background growing up was not the best I was exposed to criminal activity, drugs, poverty, child abuse and so much more. I was around a lot of many different people which ultimately showed me what I wanted to be when I got older and what I did not want to be when I grew older. My upbringings shaped me to be strong man despite the negative and or hardships I have and may face in my lifetime. Alot of the people I grew up around are either dead on in prison or selling drugs somewhere. I am one of the very few who paved a way for themselves. Read more>>