Sometimes a book, or even just a line, chapter or passage within a book can stick with us long after we’ve read its final page. We asked some of our favorite community members to tell us about a book that’s had a meaningful impact on them.

Amanda Novena | Wedding Photographer

A book I’ve read recently that has made an impact on me is The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. It teaches some principles about being successful beyond earning money. The main concept of this book is that the more you give without the agenda of getting something in return the more successful you’ll be. This really validated how I run my business as my goal with every client is to serve them beyond what they have hired me specifically for. It also gave me some ideas on things I can do better or start doing to make provide an even better experience for my clients. Read more>>

Jack(PokerBoy) Mullarky | Poker dealer profession poker player musical artist

The Bible is my book I have read and one particular night changed my life forever! It was around 2015 my best friend was bad on drugs and got fired from his job and kicked out of his parents house so I let him move in with me. He decided to take my gun (without my permission of course) and go rob a bank and come back to my house with the gun and money. He cooperated so he got a minimal 5 years for being a first offender and it changed my life forever. I wasn’t on drugs but I was looking for a new lifestyle and way to get out of our home town Huntington wv so I opened up the Bible one night and read in ecclesiastics “whatever you find your hands to do, do with all your might” Read more>>

Eric B | Author

The Ultimate Success Secret by Daniel S. Kennedy. This book provides no-nonsense advice for how you can lift yourself out of the gutter right now and into the heights of success. Dan Kennedy has often been called “The Professor of Harsh Reality” because he has a way of making you know that you are the cause of your own success…and your own failure. There are so many books and seminars out there with the “magic formula” for gaining success. This book offers nothing of the kind. It gives practical advice on the little things you can do today to create great success for yourself tomorrow. Granted, this book was published in the 1990s, and there are a small number of outdated points made in this book. Read more>>