Starting and growing a business is hard, but often deciding to start the business in the first place is even harder. We asked some successful entrepreneurs from around the community to open up to us about how they thought about starting a business.

Ron Hill | Cartoonist and Caricaturist

Drawing was always a natural (and enjoyable) talent since before kindergarten. I would draw for hours. So when I got to high school, I enrolled in a vocational commercial art program, which flowed into attending The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I had dreams of being a syndicated newspaper cartoonist, but knew I needed a “real job” so advertising art was a natural choice. After 10 years working as a creative director, and doing caricature entertainment sporadically on the side, I was ready to quit the day job and pursue quick-sketch caricature entertainment and freelance cartooning full-time. While I have pursued a few other careers, like teaching a high school career-tech program in interactive media and creating a media company, I have always done freelance cartoons, book illustrations and lots of caricature entertainment gigs, and now, after 40 years, I am back to full-time freelance work. Read more>>

Rachel Carroll | Owner, Balanced Family Academy of Gahanna

We believed in the message that our business sends which is Every Single Child, Every Single Family, Every Single Teacher, Every Single Day. It’s bigger than owning a business, its teaching and molding the future. Read more>>

Rhiannon Mehring | Co-founder & Owner, Yoga Teacher

We are sisters and business partners who grew up in Columbus and have been close knit friends since the day we met. Of course, we’re family, and our relationship is as wonderful as it is complicated. Like most kids, we dreamed big, and our ambition of business ownership turned into more than just talk when we opened Mat Happy Yoga in 2015, as the first of its kind in the area. A shared passion for movement, love of practicing yoga side-by-side, and desire to create something big was too strong to ignore. We spent several years in careers that helped us build our skill sets, which has proven to be so helpful in running the day-to-day operations and staying level headed. One of the best things about our partnership is the desire to foster each other’s strengths, develop ideas and grow together. We have so much in common, but when it comes to running the business, we each bring our own unique offerings. Read more>>

Brittany Holland-Banks | Entrepreneur and philanthropist

I started Honey Rush because so many people compliment me on having great skin. They would always ask “what your skincare routine?”. So I was talking to my boyfriend at the time and he put the idea in my head to start my own skincare line. I was always making him use my products at home, and his skin changed drastically. So I went from there. Read more>>

Lindsie Vizethann | nurse, health and nutrition coach, and certified personal trainer

I think it’s taken me a long time to get here. My goal has always been to help people but the way of doing that has evolved from an ER nurse to a gym owner to now a health coach. I think each of those roles have prepared me for the next one, helping me understand the risk and reward of sole ownership. I have the flexibility and freedom to make it what I want, which means no more handing out pills or following a franchise model. I can truly help people in a way that I believe is beneficial and pivot when necessary to continue to help them in the way they need. Read more>>

Estelle Gibson | CPA, TED Speaker, Author, Holistic Financial Coach

I remember the moment I had the idea to do what I’m doing today. I was in court with my attorney, at the time I was going through a divorce. I was so grateful for how helpful my attorney was to me and the other women she represented and I had the thought “I wonder if these women need someone to help them with their money?” At the time I was rebuilding my life financially and emotionally after my husband asked me for the divorce. I knew how hard it was to pick up the pieces-figuring out the mortgage, insurance, investments, warranties, bills, etc. All the things I hadn’t paid attention to for years, and I’m a financial professional! I spent all day long managing other people’s money, so I was happy that my husband handled ours. Read more>>

LaTosha Ward | Chief Strategy Officer/Wife/Mother and Woman of God

My thought process behind starting BID was that I wanted a company that provided organizations with the foundational intelligence and understanding of what it truly means to be able to scale and understand agility. Being in tech for over 18 years, I didn’t see many people who looked like me, and those who did look like me were men. I didn’t see many women, so looking at an industry built on men, I knew I wanted to form a company where women, especially women of color, had a voice. Read more>>

Dr Shawon Gullette ND, I.A.T | Clinical Trichologist , Dr Naturopathic Medicine

My process behind opening my Trichology clinic was because I realized that around 30 million women in the United States go through the difficult experience of hair loss. Unfortunately, as women, it deeply affects our sense of femininity. When we face alopecia or other hair loss conditions, it impacts not only our self-esteem but also our relationships, work life, and overall happiness, often leading to depression. Adding to this, there are women who remain undiagnosed for a long time, only to discover that their hair follicles have become damaged beyond repair, resulting in permanent hair loss. It’s disheartening that no other profession focuses on providing solutions for hair and scalp disorders and diseases. Read more>>

Rhonesha Isreal | International Board Certified Lactation Consultant

Honestly, Milking With Rho being an entire “business” was at the back of my mind. When I started this journey, my only thought was that I wanted to help moms breastfeed their babies. It wasn’t until I started completing all the necessary steps to becoming an IBCLC that I realized I was also working towards entrepreneurship. I realized I was going to be doing more than JUST helping moms with breastfeeding. The thought of marketing, time, financial output, and income all started to fill my head. Truthfully, it made me very anxious. Allowing anxiety to win was not going to happen. I thought about who I wanted to serve, how I wanted my services to be offered, and sat in who I am; who I am as a former breastfeeding mom, a social worker, a caregiver, and friend. Read more>>

Laurie Dunham | Registered Dietitian & Eating Disorder Specialist

When I decided to start my own business, I was seeking options that provided greater flexibility. I initially began my nutrition counseling business ~15 years ago on a VERY part-time basis while also working part-time at my hospital job. My kids were much younger and I wanted a better work-life balance. For the past 2 years, I’ve been 100% self-employed. The flexibility this offers helps me show up better for all of the amazing clients and families I work with. Read more>>

TaNiya Clayton | Personal Branding Consultant

I decided to start my own company because I truly believe it’s something I felt God was guiding me toward in this chapter of my life. Back in 2011, I had the idea of becoming a business consultant, but various life challenges got in the way. I went through a lot, and, as a single mother at the time, I didn’t have the time or the confidence to pursue entrepreneurship and show up like I wanted, but I knew that my ultimate goal was to have my own business and do what excites me. Fast forward to 2019; after trying different side hustles (career services business for four years), I’ve circled back to my dream of being a consultant, mainly focusing on personal branding consulting. It feels like the right time, like God’s plan for me. Read more>>

David Horning | Comedian & Producer Of Secret Society Comedy

I’ve always been a creator, and post-COVID, there was a need for quality independent comedy shows in Cleveland. After complaining that no one else was stepping up to fill the need, Gheramy, Bryan, and myself decided to join forces and build something that we’d be proud of, rather than whine about the problem. Read more>>

Natalie Alves | Graphic Designer & Branding Specialist

I have had the opportunity to work in a lot of different design environments and while I am thankful for all those experiences, I couldn’t shake the feeling that if I were in charge I would take a completely different approach. What it comes down to is how people are treated and how they collaborate. I feel like there is such a great opportunity for creatives and business owners to work together and create something truly amazing for their brands. From my experiences, I didn’t always feel like we were on the same team. My job is to take your vision and bring it to life. To think outside the box and create memorable impressions that make your dream as a business come true. Read more>>

Shena Jameson | Baker

My thought process for starting my business was to invest in my dreams and follow my heart. I have always loved to bake and be in the kitchen. I stepped out on faith and built a brand where I would be able to share my love of baking with everyone. I wanted my son to see his mother as a business owner and for him to have part ownership in my business. Since starting my business, I have made strides in my life and business that make me so proud of myself. The best is yet to come. Read more>>

Courtney Ranes | Wedding Photographer

From the age of 13, I loved taking photos on my little digital camera and then when I got to my senior year of high school and found out that people successfully make photography a career, I just knew that I had to give it a shot as well or else I’d regret it and always wonder, what if. Thankfully I had, and still do have, an amazing support system in my friends and family who have cheered me on since day one!! Read more>>