Many books on startups and business talk about how there are right and wrong reasons for starting a business. So, we asked a handful of successful founders about their reasons and the thought-process behind starting their business.

Fatima Bouyer | CEO | Founder & Trainer at The Whole You Wellness Studio

I started my own business because of my passion for fitness and a desire to fill a market gap. I wanted to create a supportive space for women’s fitness while pursuing my entrepreneurial spirit and achieving personal growth. Owning a business provides flexibility, financial independence, and the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy. It has been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey that aligns with my personal and professional aspirations. Read more>>

Tina Neyer | Writing and Writing Coach

When I was nine years old I picked up trash in the local Dairy Queen lot for a chili footlong and a lime green Misty. I can identify that particular venture as the start of my entrepreneurial pursuits. Since then, I’ve started a successful childcare service, served as vice president of a mid range construction company and now have successfully worked with authors to publish their books. The work that goes into starting a business must be based in your own sense of certainty that you can perform the work necessary to succeed. It was a no brainer when I picked up the DQ lot, I wanted a footlong. Read more>>

Stefani Carol | Owner of Elevate Academy of Beauty

As the eldest of my five siblings, taking the lead has always been my thing. I’ve got this natural knack for diving into uncharted waters and pioneering new paths. Since I was a little girl, giving my friends and family makeovers was my thing, and the services just came so natural. I fell in love with seeing women transform and see their beauty in a new light. I eventually enrolled into cosmetology school after managing med spas and salons, and it hit me like a brick wall—there was a gaping hole in the beauty schools. I was craving more and I felt the call to search for further education. Read more>>

Morgan Purcell | Photographer

I began photographing things and people from a very young age. I have always been creative and picked up photography more seriously when I was in high school. At the time I was still figuring out what I wanted to do with my life and what career I wanted to pursue. I knew that if I wanted to be happy and love my job, I would have to incorporate some creative aspect into it. I was photographing friends and family and would often share on social media. People began asking me to do their photos for certain milestones and that I should start a business. I was thinking at the time, there is no way I can make a living off of just doing photography. Read more>>

Trena Courey | Co-Owner of Building Block Play Studio

.”We need an indoor play space!” “We need somewhere to get out of the house!” “We need to meet other families with young children!” We heard these needs first in our own living rooms and then heard them echoed in our community – at parks, school pick up, and the library. We had a vision to meet the need – so we went for it! Read more>>

Austin Fink | Entrepreneur & Clothing Brand/Business Owner

– Generational Wealth – Leaving behind a way to continue impacting, inspiring and empowering people even when God says my time is up – Staying true to myself, doing something that I love – Make my parents proud – BUT AT THE CORE OF IT WAS I WANTED TO START MY OWN BUSINESS BECAUSE WHEN YOU REALIZE YOUR PURPOSE NOTHING STEERS YOU AWAY FROM WHAT YOUR PURPOSE IS Read more>>

Allison Ewing | Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer

I was always the girl at middle school dances with multiple disposable cameras and a shot list for the purposes of scrapbooking. After my parents realized I wasn’t going to stop taking photos, they bought me what I lovingly refer to as my “big girl camera”, which was my first DSLR. From there, friends and family started asking me if I would take photos for them. Then in 2014, I officially filed my LLC and began my photography business journey! Read more>>

Brooke Singleton | Momma and Cut Flower Farmer

One of the core things about me personally, since I was little is a desire to learn. I could have definitely been an eternal university student! I actually became an educator myself first and then with the growing of our family and our move to a farm I decided to stay home and begin a business that irises the gift of land we owned. Eight years ago, flower farms were largely unheard of and not being a grower of anything, the science and business of it all really intrigued me. It so much more work than I’d expected when we started out, but the beauty every year keeps you coming back. Read more>>