Getting to do what you love? Providing for your loved ones? What does success mean to you? Below you’ll find perspectives from some of the city’s best and brightest.

JOSHUA LANGENHEIM | Chief Coffee Meister & Co-Owner

Success can be defined as many things depending on the context. Since this article is about small business I will outline my definition of success based around that topic. Success – When those that work for you / with you feel comfortable and confident In their daily tasks. When your employees leave a shift feeling appreciated and needed. Success and “CULTURE” is one in the same in my organization. A proper culture will create happy employees, happy employees will create happy customers, happy customers will increase the business allowing for you to properly take care of your staff…. SUCCESS!! Read more>>

Static Band Equipment | Fitness and Recovery equipment

Success is merely the credit you give to yourself. It’s not measured by a scale or comparable to the next person. For instance if you’re racing someone and they beat you but they had a bad race and didn’t run a good time do you think they would feel successful? It will always be a “but.” I won but it was a bad race. I won but my time was bad. Their success would only be measured by the lack of your ability. In track we have this thing called a “PR” which stands for personal record. What your PR does is set a marker for where you are and giving you a goal to exceed. So even in a loosing situation a person can still be successful with surpassing their previous performances. Read more>>

Brittney Kelley-Harrison | Editor-in-chief of The Beat Mom Magazine

Growing up my definition of success was what others thought of my accomplishments. That’s it and that’s all! If I failed, I won if others thought I was successful. So, in my eyes, that was success. As I’ve gotten older, my definition of success has changed tremendously. The dictionary defines success as – an accomplishment of an aim or a purpose. I define success as “peace of mind.” The feeling of completing a task or goal to the best of my ability regardless of the outcome. It’s all about how I feel. Success to me is being a great entrepreneur, a wife, and a mom to two beautiful girls who think I’m the best at whatever I set out to do. Success to me is knowing that I have reached my goals and did it with grace. Read more>>

Matthew Alec | Saxophonist and Record Producer

Wow, yeah. Excellent question. It’s funny that you should ask. I’ve been thinking about what it means to be successful quite a bit lately. In general, I think the vast majority of people in the U.S. think of success in monetary terms only. If you make money, you are therefore successful. If you make a lot of money, then you are very successful. As far as the creative world is concerned, I don’t know that looking at financial success is the best gauge of what makes an artist truly successful. To me, if you create the art that you envision and are proud of and hopefully build some notoriety in the public as a result of that then you are successful. Read more>>

Yolanda Harris | News Anchor & Journalist

My definition of success has changed over the years. I used to think you achieved success by climbing the ladder in your profession and reaching the top. I thought success was measured by a certain pay threshold. But the older I get; the more I believe happiness comes into play. If you love what you do and are happy doing it, fulfilled by it, and making an impact with it… that is success. Personal happiness and a work/life balance has become more important to me. That’s what it’s all about. The stress of climbing the ladder and hanging on for dear life to stay there can be debilitating and unhealthy. Read more>>