Through our work we have had the good fortune of seeing firsthand how success comes in every shape, size, color, faith, and orientation. More importantly we’ve learned that success is often the result of people embracing their unique backgrounds and so we’ve asked the community to tell us about their background and how it has impacted where they are today.

Mallorie Dickman | Event and Wedding Planner

I am from the local Cincinnati area and come from an Administrative Assistance background that offers a lot of experience in the wedding industry. From managing different events/meetings to customer service experience this role allowed me to gain the knowledge I need to assist my couples with the perfect Read more>>

Evan Williams | Artist

I was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado on a military base. Which in turn made me a military brat. My family traveld with my father as he served in the Air Force. We had the blessing to be stationed overseas in Belguim. While there I had th opportunity to visit the Paris, Netherlands, Germany, Holland. All of this exposed me to the great artist and the work up close. It inspired me to follow my natural tendency to draw and paint. Seeing the work upclose I knew that one day I would be able to blaze my own trail. Read more>>

Katy Robinson | singer/songwriter

I grew up in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and have been active in the Akron area music scene since the age of 13. Growing up, there was always music in the house. I come from a very musical family, and was in choir, piano lessons, and dance classes all through childhood. Music has always been just an everyday way of life for me. I was inspired to learn guitar after seeing a local singer/songwriter at a coffee shop, and haven’t put the guitar down since. This area has so much talent, and I was always going out to shows and open mics in those formative musical years. I think growing up amidst so many talented musicians has really shaped me. You have the big artists that everyone knows from Akron – the Black Keys, Chrissy Hynde, Devo…but the ones that really shaped me are the ones I got to see performing all the time in coffee shops and local clubs. Read more>>

Jéan P The MC | Hip-Hop Artist, Producer, Speaker, Community Leader

I am from Canton, Ohio. Growing up my mother and father were everything to me. My father was recognized for his basketball skills and mother was a singer. Witnessing the impact that my parents had in our community was inspiring to me. I knew that when I became an adult I wanted to have that same legacy for myself. I have always loved literature and writing stories. Incorporating writing into my music was inspired by my mother keeping me focused in school. When my parents passed Hip-Hop kept me at peace and became the family I needed. The experiences of death, inspiring my community, showcasing my skills and leaving a legacy to remember impact the artist and man I am today. Read more>>