Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.

Benjamin McClain | Cinematographer

I think I chose a career in art for the same reason everyone does… I couldn’t imagine a life without creating. That and the money, artists are known for their absolute lavish income. Read more>>

Steven D. Jackson | Event/Wedding Photographer, Poet, Recording Artist, & Video Producer

I am a natural born creative with an active imagination. Various art forms of music, poetry, visual mediums, and writing outlets throughout my life, have molded me to the creative I am today. It is my ultimate form of self expression and relating to the world. Read more>>

Aaron Jewett | Glass Artist & Studio Owner

I’ve always enjoyed making things & doing things with my hands. My first jobs were in the trades, & I thought that is where I would stay, until I saw someone blowing glass! Then the opportunity came, I took my shot, & I was hooked. When realized I could make what I wanted, as long as I could find someone to buy it, I never looked back. Read more>>

Nancy Hawkins | Plein Air Artist

Art and creative seemed to be the only ability I could excel in. In my senior year of high school we had a wonderful art teacher who had a degree from the Philadelphia School of Art. He had us painting from life, both out in the landscape and interior still life’s. Read more>>