We asked some of the city’s leading artists and creatives to tell us about how they decided to pursue an artistic or creative career. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Adam Hines | founder, singer/guitar of the band PHESTUR

That is like asking me “what makes me breathe”? it was something that even early on, was knocking at my mental door. it was a need to create something from literal nothing. in my case, music. hearing music all my life, as 99.99% of us do, but only maybe .5-1% pursue to actually “do it” beyond just listening, i found a nitch that one day made me think, “hey, i can do this”. As with anything, it begins with humble and small baby steps, and it took me 6 years to even get into the “starter band”. once in that first band, i gained some insight and learned a few things, which led me into the next chapter, going full original and self learning guitar. so i guess the short answer, to keep you from my wordiness, hahaaa, of why i pursue an artistic career? Read more>>

Alaska Stoughton | Choreographer & Performer

I’ve always been involved in the arts. There are a lot of singers/musicians within my family so I started from a very young age. Dance has always been my passion and was the only thing that kept me focused growing up. I always say my brain is hardwired for the non traditional work life. So perusing my passion for dance as a career simply made sense to me. I can’t see myself doing anything else even through the hard times. Seeing a completed show or production through to the end is the most rewarding feeling. Read more>>

Thomas Angeletti | filmmaker

I dont think that one pursues a creative career, I think that creativity pursues the creative. The universe gives that creative a chance, and they either risk everything they know to create, or they just let the opportunity pass by. Read more>>

Gage Layne | Painter, designer, and skater.

I chose to pursue an artistic and creative career due to the fact that since I was a child I’ve always felt more connected to to my inner self than the exterior world I experienced. My journey has led to me understanding myself and coincidentally the world around me over time, through mistakes and new experiences. I chose this life Because it felt natural and spiritual. And it absolutely is. Read more>>

Christopher Leeper | Artist/art instructor

Since I was very young, this seemed to be the path I would always follow. I was drawing from a very young age and was encouraged by my parents. The part that wasn’t clear was how I would make it a career. That worked itself out as time went on. Living an artistic life has been my self-identity for so long, that I can’t imagine not being in some kind of creative field. Read more>>

Jordan Molli | Artist

I can’t see myself doing anything else. Read more>>

Dara Broadous | Fashion Designer & Creative

Ever since I was a child, an artistic career was not just a dream—it felt the only path for me. Growing up in the UK as a child of Nigerian immigrants, I found myself irresistibly drawn to the world of arts. Be it painting or music, I was captivated by the limitless freedom these forms of expression offered. They allowed me to transform the figments of my imagination into reality, a magical process that continues to fascinate me. I remember receiving my first sewing machine at the age of 8. It wasn’t just a gift; it became my portal to a world of endless possibilities! My bedroom walls, plastered with my fashion designs, stood as a testament to this growing passion. I knew, with unwavering certainty, that my future lay in fashion. Read more>>