Legend holds that Cornelius Vanderbilt had built a massive fortune in the steamboat shipping industry, but then realized the railroads were the way of the future and invested almost his entire net worth into railroads. The gamble paid off and made Vanderbilt one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs ever. But risks are inherently…risky. How do you think about risk and how has it affected your life and career? Some of our community favorites share their perspective below.

Heather Colley | Family & Pet Photographer

Risk-taking is a big part of my life and career, especially in the field of pet photography. Capturing pets often requires creativity and a willingness to step outside the box. I’m naturally a risk-taker, though I constantly battle with overthinking. It’s a delicate balance, but I usually find that the risks I take are worth it, and I rarely regret them. Read more>>

Frankie Howell | Pastry Chef

I believe being a custom baker is a risk in itself. While I do run specials throughout the year, I do not have product available daily for customers to purchase. This also means I typically do not offer smaller quantities or individual desserts. However, I’m hoping to collaborate with a few local businesses to make this a possibility! I would love to offer individual cupcakes and cookies through a grocery store or a farm’s general store. Another option I’m eager to explore is providing desserts for service at local restaurants! Read more>>

Keezy Thee Unkind | Female Artist / CEO

Risk equals reward. I feel like majority of the opportunities I’ve gotten were off risk. Not being afraid of rejection and going into different rooms knowing the outcome may not be what I thought it would be. Risk made me the artist I am today, the reason I’m still reaching towards the top. Read more>>

Ashley Best | Singer/Songwriter

I’ve always viewed life like this… “if you’re going to do something, go all in, both feet”. Is it risky doing so, absolutely, but I’ve never been one who tip toes around anything. You can never expect anything to work out in your favor if you don’t give 100% of your time & devotion. When it has come to my music career, I’ve always taken risks. The music business in itself is a huge risk. Every song/video I release is a gamble…will it be a hit? Will people like it? You never know until you try! Read more>>

Charissa Gracyk | Author

Risk and doing things outside of my comfort zone are things I’ve learned to embrace. I used to be someone who preferred to be in the background and not take chances. I was such an introvert. But I think my dreams got too big and I knew if I wanted to make them come true then I’d have to jump and be fearless. Now when I’m asked to do something, if it scares me then I know that I need to do it. I’ve learned to harness my fear and use it rather than allowing it to paralyze me. Read more>>

Jelani Aswad | Recording Artists, Pastor & Creative Director

The gap between dreaming, and being satisfied with the purpose of one’s life being achieved is built on risks. It isn’t about the magnitude of the dream, the risks is also a synonym for confidence. It is the direct correlation between my belief in myself, what I have created, and who I believe God is. God, represents the eternal, the measureless, and creation. The intangible tangibles we discover about ourselves as we grow and mature are things we find out about ourselves. Read more>>

Travis Cleary | Serial Entrepreneur & Filmmaker

I graduated from film school with a mountain of debt and no idea how to pay it. I was very risk adverse at first. I bought a camera while in school which led me to be able to shoot a lot in the indie film scene. As I started working as an AC on movies I kind of got even more risk adverse, my loans where so high that I was terrified to do anything to upset my balance and not be able to pay my loan. Most of my friends just stopped paying but my parents wouldn’t allow that as cosigners. Read more>>