What does success mean to you?

Getting to do what you love? Providing for your loved ones? What does success mean to you? Below you’ll find perspectives from some of the city’s best and brightest.
I didn’t start social media in hopes of getting famous or rich. I did it so that I could prove to myself that I could do what I set my mind to. That It didn’t just have to be a thought or an idea but that I had the power to make it a reality. Making those first videos for my YouTube channel years ago was probably the most cringey thing I’ve ever done but I’m so incredibly grateful that I stuck with it. This small platform I have gives me the opportunity to encourage other women to believe in themselves the way I did. I’m a huge believer in you get what you put out there. I just want to spread positivity and light whenever I can. Some days are easier than others but you have to try every day. Read more>>
Thought Process – Starting a business is so easy to do but so much harder to actually run! Ive always wanted to be my own boss and my parents knew this was my path before me, buying me my first camera 10 years ago! From the beginning ive just let the passion and purpose guide my path! Read more>>
I Define Success As Accomplishing Your Goals That You Set Out For Yourself. No Matter How Major Or Minor, As Long As You Accomplish Your Goal Thats A Success In My Book. Read more>>