Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.

Andria Loczi

Taking risks means betting on yourself. If you can confidently assess a situation and make a decision that aligns with your values, you can’t go wrong.

I’ve always had a pretty high risk tolerance which I credit back to the confidence I have in myself. Years ago I defined my core values and whenever I’m in a crossroads or need to make a big decision, I fall back on those values. Read more>>

Britt Corrigan | Co-Founder and Senior Production Manager

Risk is at the heart of everything we do at Left Bank Creative. Dani and I both come from a place of independence where we’ve learned to bet on ourselves, knowing we have the support and grit to make bold moves. Starting Left Bank Creative was our biggest risk, but also our most rewarding. We weren’t afraid to detach from old values and plans to create something new that truly represents us and the white-glove services we offer. Read more>>

Nathanael Nunemaker | Founder & CEO

I look at risks as an investment. I usually have that gut feeling when a risk is right or wrong and I’ll always follow my guys and take the risk. Read more>>

Sarah J Preston | Artist/Author/Life Coach/Entrepreneur

Taking risks in my career has assured I stand out and am highlighted in regards to my creativity, what hasn’t been done yet, but putting my own story into it. To make my position in art authentic. Read more>>