Thinking through whether to start a business – whether to take the risk, whether to go out on your own – isn’t easy. So we asked some entrepreneurs we admire to tell us about how they thought through the process of starting a business.

Brian Taylor | Jeweler & Artist

My process began during Covid 19. Newly laid off, I had the idea I would start a shop to create and weld large abstract and functional items (chairs, sculptures, etc). I had a background in coal mining and machining from years prior, which gave me a host of metal-working skills. Winter hit before I could build a safe ventilation system, which would involve knocking out a window or wall in my garage. I was itching to make things at this point, so I went smaller. I began with clay sculpting and by chance started working with resin. I made a silicone mold and made my first (ugly) ring. Then some pendants (less ugly). A new passion was born. I realized I could combine my sculpting, metalworking, welding, graphic design, and drawing skills in making jewelry! But…. Covid. This gave me loads of time to read, take free online courses, study, practice and make. I came roaring out of the pandemic. Well, sort of. My heart was roaring, but I had much to learn to find my niche and follow MY vision of the business. As I began growing as a competent metalsmith, I added the component of individually naming pieces and jewelry lines and writing mythologies for them. A colleague told me it was a cool concept but would never work. I was so inspired by this new addition to my work, that I knew it was the direction I must pursue. It also differentiated me from anyone I had heard of. Read more>>

April Hirschman | Sex and Relationship Coach, Author, and Artist

I started my own business an a sex and relationship coach, author, and artist because I don’t fit into a mold and I like the freedom to travel and set my own pace. For creativity to bloom I need to not be caught up in a rigid schedule. Sometimes I pull over the car just to write down an idea of one of my businesses. Read more>>

Brian Tidwell | President of Stand up Management

Before I started my own business, I worked at McDonald’s for 10+ years. When I discovered comedy, I became obsessed with finding a way to maximize my stage opportunities. I quickly learned that working at McDonald’s would not allow me the time to perform as much as I want. So I decided to start my own business that was I could perform and still provide for my family Read more>>

Rette Roettker | Restaurant owner and entrepreneur


I’ve always wanted to have a restaurant and I have watched my parents have small businesses my whole life. I gained experience through them and also having my own massage therapy business. I knew a restaurant would be a whole different challenge and wanted to try to give our town a new place to go. Read more>>

Rachel Najarian | Artist

If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll never do it. So here I am, trying to do it haha.

For me, and I’m sure a lot of other artists, it all started as a hobby. I took a few jewelry classes, just looking for things to do. Which eventually led to teaching myself how to macrame. At the time that I was really getting into the jewelry making, the downtown art walks were just kicking off, turning my hobby into money in my pocket. Read more>>

Brianna Styless | Multifaceted Creative

I’ve been a walking brand since 2019 and didn’t even realize it. From modeling for various brands, helping brands manage their social platforms, connecting creatives to potential opportunities around Ohio; the list goes on. I finally realized that this all fell under creative sourcing, and I ran with it. There isn’t an active “one stop shop” in my community where people are able to book someone for a creative service a month or even a day before. Booking a creative for a project can be stressful as you risk reliability and quality of their work. I knew between the hundreds of connections I made with others and my ability to use creativity to problem solve, it was only right to start a creative sourcing business. Read more>>