24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. Junior investment bankers regularly work 80-90 hours a week. Many other high profile professions require the same level of commitment. Often those on the outside claim that working 80-90 hours a week is bad/wrong/terrible/silly/etc but we’ve spoken with so many folks who say working that much has been the best decision of their life – it allowed them to develop a deep and strong skill set far faster than would have been possible otherwise. In other words, by working 2x the hours, they were able to generate 5x or more the rewards. And depending on where you are in your career, investing heavily in your skills and competence can pay dividends for a long time.

Mike Miller | Printmaker

When I consider a work/life balance, it’s hard for me to make room for the “life” part. I think part of being a practicing artist and entrepreneur is totally integrating your work with your life – there oughta be no separation of one from the other. Read more>>

Meagan Jackson | Doctor of Health Science Student/Mama

Navigating work-life balance as a single parent has been a constant evolution and self-discovery journey. My parenting has shaped my work/life balance for the last 15 years. Managing multiple jobs in the past while raising two children initially pushed me to my limits, a testament to resilience but also a period where I often found myself run down. The decision to return to higher education after nine years was a pivotal shift, intertwining the challenges of academia with the pressing demands of parenthood. I started my doctoral journey in 2022, and that was a whole new aspect of life. I had to rearrange the workload mentally. Throughout this time, my engagement in an internship, volunteer work, and Public Health AmeriCorps service, although enriching, also tested my ability to maintain equilibrium. An acute awareness of my stress boundaries is central to my concept of balance. Read more>>

Eric Kittelberger | Graphic Designer & Illustrator — Triple Play Design Company

From my earliest recollections there was never anything else I wanted to do in my life except be an artist. I did well in school and probably could have gone any number of directions but nothing spoke to me like art did. Read more>>