We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

ZON Carvalho | Artist

Life Was Meant To Be Awesome.

It was back in 1996, as I was going through a divorce, and life was confusing and so full of choices.

One day, me and some friends were driving though a ruff neighborhood, it was mid morning on a regular week day.
As we traveled through those blocks, a little more alert then normal, I started to think about the choices they all made in life, I wondered how did they get here, how did it get so bad, when did it start? Read more>>

Rebecca Kondrich | Social Worker & Yoga Teacher & Hypnotherapist.

I had been working in medical social worker for 4 years and recognized that there was more that people need beyond the quick check ins. I wanted to offer deeper connection and work 1:1 with individuals. I also wanted to create a schedule and life that worked with my growing family. With the support of other private practice therapists I took the leap to build a private practice for myself. It was important to me to use my education and be home for my daughter. Six years later and I am so proud of the practice I have build and the way I am able to drive my daughter to school every day. Read more>>

Mira | Founder & Producer

I was inspired by the world of burlesque while living in NYC. I had hopes of moving back and pursuing it after finishing school but then the pandemic happened. I had graduated in fashion design with a burlesque inspired line that I didn’t get to put on the runway so I decided to put on a little burlesque show where I could also feature some of my pieces. If the opportunities were not there- I needed to create them for myself. The little socially distant, outdoor burlesque show took off very quickly because people were craving live entertainment and interactions. We are now an entertainment company offering shows, events and workshops with burlesque, aerials, sideshow, magic and more. We feel passionately about delivering memorable and unique experiences with each of our events. Read more>>

Rahim Ewan | Visionary & Curator of Fashion for the Culture

Giving up isn’t an option, I have to keep pushing, keep striving to be better everyday. My way of thinking has changed since I first started my clothing line, I’ve made so many mistakes in a 3-4 year span, I’ve had ups and downs but I’ve learned from every situation. When I decided to get into Fashion I knew it wasn’t a overnight success type of business, I knew there would be pitfalls, I knew there would be loses but I knew just like with anything else you get out of it what you put into it and that’s why giving up isn’t an option. The goal is to better today, to work harder today, to achieve more today, satisfaction isn’t an option right now so therefore I can’t give up. You have to be strong minded, have tunnel vision and be willing to understand that things aren’t always going to go your way, but if you’re willing to learn from your experiences you’ll understand giving up is just a waste of time, and successful people don’t believe in wasting time, we believe that you invest time and eventually you’ll create profit. I see a lot of designers and fashionista’s out here, a lot of people are progressing and I love it, I respect the hustle, I respect the grind. You give up when you stop believing in yourself, fortunately for me giving up wasn’t an option in my household and who am I to mess up tradition. Read more>>

Jacquelyn Potesta | Nurse Anesthetist, Injector, & CEO

Our mission at Juno is to empower moms to prioritize their own self-care and get their confidence back. Moms are always putting everyone’s needs above our own, and our bodies take such a toll through pregnancy and early motherhood! When we pour into ourselves, even if it’s as small as taking 3 minutes to wash our face in the morning, we’re able to take care of others better. I truly believe that when our patients look in the mirror and feel confident in their own skin, that translates into being a happier, energized, and more patient mom to our littles….and the impact that will have on our future generations is immeasurable. Read more>>

Carlos Roa | Artist & Business Owner

Determination has been a key factor in my journey to success. The drive to succeed and the commitment to not accept failure have been guiding principles for me. It’s crucial to follow through once we embark on a task and stay open to challenges, as they often lead to growth. Additionally, cultivating a habit of thinking outside the box has played a significant role. Embracing individuality and expressing ideas freely, without conforming to a predefined mold, has allowed me to bring a unique perspective to the table. Read more>>

MiaMarie | Speaker & Entrepreneur

I am from Cleveland, Ohio. I’ll start by saying your lowest times give you strength. The toughest times build you & the hardest times create you. During the years of me growing up I’ve always had a different spirit. A spirit of a warrior, A spirit of a fighter, A spirit of a woman of GOD since birth. God gifted me with a purpose & a special light that took me time to even realize but sometimes you have to go through obstacles & be put in positions to realize who you really are, what your capable of & most importantly your WORTH. The best way to describe my background is 2 words FIGHTING & PURSUING. I was a survivor since birth the doctor said it was possible i wouldn’t make it but now I’m here giving a summary of my story. So at a young age i just started high school i was 15. Ever since then up until now & I’m 21 years old now, I was fighting each year, facing battles. My first battle was in & out of the hospitals, having surgeries left to right. Throughout the whole high school years then ended my senior year with being at home not being able to attend my last year & to end with no prom, no senior pictures, no graduation, no sports season. It felt like everything i worked hard for was gone. The bittersweet sweet moment was gone & it was a heartbreaking feeling only class of 2020 would feel. After graduating.. October 27th, 2021 i was in a bad car accident when my life flashed before my eyes. I was with my ONLY sisters i got, all 4 of us together. We flipped 3 to 5 times, hit a tree, got hit by a car & bullets was shot. Let’s just say my angels protected me the whole way.. i came out not remembering anything that happened just woke up in ANOTHER hospital just to find out i was covered in blood, in a neck-brace & almost died. My Jaw was broke & HANGING DOWN, scars everywhere, blood coming from my mouth, i had to get mouth surgery, screws all through my mouth, wired shut down completely couldn’t open my mouth, couldn’t eat, couldn’t talk. I used a talking app if i wanted to talk & i used a straw to eat for a year. Fast forward i had to FIGHT a couple more times during 2023 but one thing i did was OVERCOME & kept moving like nothing happened, my spirit stayed strong through each situation & i never let my crown fall. God had to put me in a few positions to wake me up & realize who i was & what i capable of. When i was sick for a year i created a blog & podcast in that situation.. that goes back to how your lowest moments gives you strength you didn’t even realize, these hard battles build me & mold me into the person i am today. God works in mysterious ways & 2024 is the year I’m making it out & I’m claiming & getting everything i deserve. I am a fighter, warrior & the chosen one that God called me to be. God held me on a high stool because he knew i would make it through. My spirit & who i am is unstoppable & unbreakable. One thing i always did was smile through the pain, shined in the dark & still spread love when i didn’t even have a cup to fill. Sometimes when you feel empty, you really pouring into people & don’t even realize. I kept pursuing & doing everything i wanted no matter the circumstances cause i knew God was right by my side & i can do anything i put my mind too. I now know I’m built for the impossible & I’m a survivor, the secret weapon God called me to be. Read more>>

Kirby Retzer | Strength and Conditioning Specialist

I am from Boca Raton, Florida. Growing up with a brother that was 4 years older than me on the side of golf course gave us the freedom to explore the outdoors. Every sport you can think of in the backyard, and all the kids stuff like climbing trees built a background of general athleticism that still helps me in my life today. Those formative early years helped me when it came time for more competitive sports in high school, and without that general athletic foundation I wouldn’t have been good enough to play college baseball. And then college baseball really set the stage for the first ten years of my career as a strength and conditioning coach in professional baseball Read more>>

Cassidy Harris | Singer & Songwriter

Music has always inspired me. I knew I was gifted with a talent at a young age but at the same time, I was a very shy person. I knew I needed to challenge myself in order to build my self confidence. I think back to when me and my sisters started, “performing concerts” for the neighbors in our front yard. After that, I wanted to take an even bigger step to help me get out of my comfort zone. In 6th and 7th grade, I sang in my middle school’s talent shows. I continued to participate in them after moving from Pennsylvania to Ohio, all the way up until I graduated high school. I also took it upon myself to start writing original music at 13 years old and even took a few guitar lessons as well! Read more>>

Israa Al-Kamali | Director, Screenwriter, and Script Supervisor

From childhood, my inclination towards storytelling through written expressions like stories and poetry was evident. Fueled by a vibrant imagination, I would immerse myself in elaborate daydreams, crafting plots and characters for hours on end. For me, creating narratives served as a means of escaping the realities of my upbringing as an Iraqi child. It not only transported me to different realms but also provided an outlet for expressing my emotions and thoughts. Read more>>