We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Christina Chislom-banner | Minister, Author, Stylist, Life and Strategy Coach

I believe the most important factor behind my success is keeping God first in everything I do. Every decision I make I try to pray about it first. And ask God for his guidance. I can make as many plans as I want, but in the end it is God who orders my steps! So through prayer, with faith, I stay connected to my ultimate power source! The Most High God! Read more>>

Maria Jacobs | National recording artist and educator

My faith is definitely the most important thing in my life. Living a life of Christian principles guides me on so many levels, most importantly, how to treat people. I try hard to “do unto others,” even if they let me down. It’s one of the many ways I try to serve God. Read more>>

Martha Reineke | Founder and CEO: MK Editing Services, and Co-Founder: EnrouteEd

My end goal is to successfully live off of residual income to free up my time to do what I love most: hang out with my kids and grandkids. I started my editing firm with only one goal in mind: to make money. Over time, that goal morphed into something so much bigger than myself. I’m setting my sights so high now, I don’t even see the mountain peak anymore, but one day I’ll crest the summit and see the stars. I’m going to run a women-run publishing firm that not only partners with authors to see their works published and in the hands of hungry readers, but it’ll also teach them how to continue to do it for themselves. I can’t wait! Read more>>

 Abdoul Sow | Professional Photographer/ Videographer

I was born in Dakar, Senegal, and moved to America when I was just three months old. While I don’t remember much about my early days in Senegal, my mom made sure that our culture was a constant presence in our lives. She always reminded my sister and me about where we came from and the values we brought with us. Read more>>

Lauren Gay | Certified Sommelier/Entrepreneur

I love this question because it sparked a rapid sequence of thoughts for me. My knee jerk reaction is to say, “I’m not in a creative career.” But why do I feel that way? I think it’s a misconception I have because how I have chosen to express my creativity over the years has evolved. Read more>>

Los Giles | Radio Show host/producer, Musician and Songwriter

Wasn’t a matter of choice.
I believe not using the creative tools we have sets us on a path
That leads to internal struggles with sadness.

That said, the path less walked creates it’s own set of obstacles and external
Struggles. But mentally you end up in a better place.
Which gives you a sense of being centered in difficult times and fuels creativity. Read more>>