We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.

Dennis Boseman | Part Creator of Tattoo Therapy ™️ and owner of Nobility Tattoo

A value that matters most to me is connection. I feel like connection is inherently human and can lead to meaningful collaborations and relationships. Read more>>

Anthony Brown | Electrician,Safety Manager and Entrepreneur

The principle that Inflate Ur Fun stands on that matters most to me is that when we come out to your events, we don’t want to just focus solely on the kids to have fun. We strive to see everyone up, active, and having a good time or at least resting from having a good time with our attractions. Read more>>

Liz Farmer | Double Certified Professional Spray Tan Artist

The most important thing in this industry is honesty and transparency. There are many first timers that need information and rely on my knowledge and expertise to give them the best results. Money isn’t the end goal, happy clients are. I put the quality of my work first and that gives me the privilege of having many repeat clients and so many new referrals. Read more>>


Honesty and loyalty. These are under an umbrella of attributes of just, “being genuine” I guess. These are not only the things I value the most in business, but in life in general. Both in business and in my personal relationships, honestly and loyalty are paramount, both as a recipient, and provider. It is hard in today’s world to build trust and personal relationships with others, and even harder to find loyalty in any facet, so I have always valued those traits highly, and prided myself in being an honest, trustworthy, loyal person, that recognizes and appreciates all the efforts I see others make. Read more>>